How to join EERA JP Wind?

Application process

Two pillars 

To be part of EERA JP Wind it means to join first the EERA community, which is based on two pillars:

Both pillars are mandatory – it is not possible to participate to EERA JP Wind without to be a member of EERA Aisbl.

Kind of memberships in the EERA JP Wind

Full participant

  • has a seat in the Steering Committee
  • pays an annual JP WIND member fee of 6,000 €
  • pays an annual overall EERA membership fee of 6,600 €

Associated participant

  • is represented in the Steering Committee by the participant to whom he is associated
  • pays an annual JP Wind member fee of 2,400 €
  • pays an annual overall EERA membership fee of 2,200 €

Membership Criteria

Full Participant : to become a member of the JP Wind as a Full Participant the institution needs to file an application. The application will be reviewed by at least two members of the Joint Programme Management Board (MB) based on the following criteria:

  • The applicant is member of EERA AISBL
  • The capability to review applications for potential Associated Participants and represent the Associated Participants in the Steering Committee
  • The applicant is a recognised public institution within Wind Energy Research and Innovation
  • The R&I competences and priorities conformed with the JP Wind
  • The added value of the applicant’s research to at least two sub-programmes of the JP Wind
  • The applicant is willing to commit substantial resources based on own funding

Associate Participant : the applicant has the obligation to find a suitable full participant of EERA JP Wind to which the applicant want to be associated to. To become a member of the JP Wind as an Associate Participant the institution needs to file an application. The application will be reviewed by the full participant with which the Applicant wishes to be associated, based on the following criteria:

  • The applicant is member of EERA AISBL
  • The applicant is a recognised public institution within Wind Energy Research and Innovation
  • The R&I competences and priorities conformed with the JP Wind
  • The added value of the applicant’s research to at least one sub-programmes of the JP Wind
  • The applicant is willing to contribute based on own funding
  • The applicant attaches a support letter from the full participant that it supports the application

Please do not hesitate to contact the EERA JP Wind Operations & Communication Manager ( for any inquiry related to membership matters.


Julien Balsen Operation and Communication Manager