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Eera event 10 July 2024 - Teams Meeting

Webinar : Presentation of SP6 Cross Cutting Research Themes

This webinar will be dedicated on SP6 : Cross-Cutting Research Themes. The discussion will be lead by our two co-coordinator of the SP, Antonio Ugarte (CENER) and Jake Badger (DTU). SP6 proposes a number of critical cross-cutting topics that will address additional challenges and explicitly convey important research needs in the areas of climate, atmosphere, ocean and geophysics; disruptive technologies; policy and regulation; social aspects; and finance.

We invite all of you to participate in our next webinar to share with us your interest in the different themes we have in Sub-programme 6 and, at the same time, bring your technical update related to each topic and milestones.

You can connect to the webinar on the 10th of July with this link



Agenda :

10:00 Welcome                                                                                                                          

10:05 What are the cross-cutting research themes from NEWindEERA project 

10:10 Climate, Atmosphere, Ocean and Geophysics  

10:15 Disruptive technologies                                            

10:20 Policy and Regulation                                                                                                      

10:25 Social Aspects                                               

10:30 Finance 

10:35 Questions                             

10:45 Plans for the Innovation Forum 2024, Amsterdam                                     

10:55 Close                                                 

Practical information


10 Jul 2024


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM