EERA JP Wind organizes a webinar on June 21st at 10:00 hours. Topic is the development of a European Centre of Excellence. The accelerated implementation of offshore wind power in European Seas faces many challenges calling for better international programming of research and innovation. Developing national Centres of Excellence all coordinated by a European Centre of Excellence could provide the focus and strength required to achieve the targets. We invite you all to think along in the brainstorm organized by EERA JP Wind.
Please find here the draft agenda :
10:00 Welcome and introduction, Peter Eecen, TNO Wind Energy
10:05 Introducing the ECoE concept, Ignacio Marti, DTU
10:15 A Norwegian initiative, John Olav Tande, SINTEF
10:25 Main outcome of challenges identified by CTOs in ETIPWind, Adrian?
10:30 Discussion and brainstorming guided by Peter Eecen
11:00 End of the Meeting
Please find here the link to join the meeting
Hope to see you there !