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Documents 20 September 2024

NeWindEERA final report is available !

Here it is ! NeWindEERA's final report was released this week at our annual Wind Innovation Forum event in Amsterdam. You can download here the NeWindEERA Final Report .

The NeWindEERA project, financed by EERA JP Wind members, lays out a new research programme for the European wind energy community. 

It marks a pivotal step in shaping the future of wind energy research, outlining a clear vision for our journey towards 2050. By purposely harmonising with the ETIPWind SRIA industry-led priorities, this initiative defines a robust programme and roadmap to cover both short-term and longer-term R&I priorities for the European wind energy sector.

Another key feature of NeWindEERA is its holistic approach. Not only does it address technical research priorities, but it also delves into non-technical cross-cutting topics essential for sustainable progress. This comprehensive perspective ensures engagement across the full spectrum of stakeholders while also fostering innovation and inclusivity.

You will find at the end of the report (p106), a list of more than 100 ongoing projects addressing key challenges identified in the report.



Paul McKeever, project manager of NeWindEERA, handed over the report to Stephan Barth, coordinator of JP Wind