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Documents 30 September 2024

John Olav Tande leaves SINTEF, Konstanze Kölle new SP Coordinator


This edition of the Wind Innovation Forum was John Olav Tande's last one as a member of our Management Board. After 27 years in SINTEF as Chief Scientist and Research Manager, John Olav will start as director of R&D at Statnett RD next month.

We want to thank John Olav for all the admirable work he has done for JP Wind, and more generally for wind research, over the years. The idea of the Centre of Excellence, the Lighthouse initiatives, the focus on floating wind and of course the DeepWind Conference were all things that he drove forward and are still shaping our programme. We wish him a great success in this new chapter of his career.


With this new seat vacant in the Management Board, Konstanze Kölle has been elected new coordinator of Sub-Programme 3 Wind Energy Systems Integration
Already vice-coordinator of this Sub-Programme, Konstanze was unanimously appointed by JP Wind Steering Committee last Wednesday in Amsterdam.
Research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research since 2018, Konstanze is also Manager of NorthWind Center. She is particularly interested in how wind farms should be operated to be successfully integrated in the future power systems with a high share of renewable energy sources.